below: things that sit close to my heart. see also: poetry

fox sat at a piano, reading 'he plays very badly, but it stops him from destroying things' albert camus, smiling in the face of the absurd hermeneutical cycle, which reads: person. person creates a theory about the world. theory. the person is part of the world, and so the theory is an interpretation of the person. a version of the trolley problem where no one is on the tracks but you are stood at the lever. it reads: nobody is in danger, however, you can pull the lever to make the train get closer just so you can wave at all the people a version of the trolley problem where the people tied to the ropes have broken free. some stop the trolley, while others free the rest of the people on the tracks. it reads: we can break free a couple having sex morph into a crocodile close-up of a borzoi dog, reading: we are not born to die, does a book begin just to finish? does a song open with a beautiful chord purely to end? yes, we are born with the inevitable fate of death, but that is merely the final act of the play. we are born to love, be joyous, to move, learn, cry, and feel. we are in fact, born to live. the bagel (yin): life is mostly dull and bad, joy is fleeting and ultimately meaningless. the googly eye (yang): life is mostly good and worthwhile, suffering is transient and fixable have you heard the good news? the son of God was a transsexual. Jesus Christ transitioned for your sins. the transsexual body is a gift from God. transition is a prayer. our bodies are monuments to God's love. early alchemical ouroboros illustration with the words 'The All is One' i hope death is like being carried to your bedroom when you were a child and fell asleep on the couch during a family party. i hope you can hear the laughter from the next room suddenly it's december and you're not seventeen anymore. and you haven't been seventeen for a very long time, but sometimes you need to remind yourself film maker hayao miyazaki, saying: i would like to make a film to tell children it's good to be alive a cat stretches out on a bed, reading: but we cannot sit and stare at our wounds forever a dog sits in the crook of someone's arm as they drink tea, reading: you cannot live when you are untouchable. life is vulnerability tarot cards: strength, the world, temperance, the magician, wheel of fortune Mary as the Queen of Heaven in Dante's Divine Comedy