willkommen! bienvenue! welcome!

rejoice dear stranger, for you have reached moniets! 'moniets' is a portmanteau of monism and ietsism, two philosophies that sit close to my heart and mesh together comparably to Spinoza's pantheism. i use this site to analyse philosophy and media without people's opinions of me interfering with their interpretations of my writing.
philosophize this ─ philosophy podcast
philosophy tube ─ philosophy videos
after skool ─ improvement channel
eric dodson ─ philosophical lectures(ish)
IB philosophy ─ various notes
IB textbook ─ continued notes
ergo, do not visit the about page unless you're ready to meet your God/webmaster. otherwise: feel free to stay a while, look around, and hopefully find something of interest. since the site is mostly comprised of essay content you can imagine that updates take... a while... but fear not! you can look through keepsakes i've collected, as well as my far less eloquent ramblings while you wait.

june 9 finished nekojiru-sou analysis
may 23 finished overhaul
april 10 started nekojiru-sou analysis
through moniets i aim to make philosophy a little more accessible, as it's often seen as pretentious or impractical. i think this is mostly due to how elitist it currently is; in a 'time is money' world, it's natural that the working class don't have time to sit around and 'philosophise' all day, which leaves decision making to the owning class. consequently, we suffer, since they don't exactly have our best interests at heart. intellectualism and education are therefore, in my opinion, the most effective methods of revolt, as they return power to the people. i'm also a firm believer that writing can promote reflection and insight, making it incredibly important in a society that is, now more than ever, prioritising thoughtlessness and indulgence.

apart from all this pretentious political talk, i use the site to practice my meagre html skills. 'nay sir! the site doth appear bland, and characterless!' i hear thee cry! i actually find that keeping the site visually clean and calm ensures it doesn't overwhelm anyone (including myself...) or distract (myself...) from the content, and makes it no less personal to me.

triggering content will always be mentioned at the head of a page and spoilered, and disturbing images will never be featured here. i can't promise that my writing won't be unbiased, but i'll still do my best to give thorough explanations and evaluations. i'm currently in the process of making this site more accessible, so if there are any changes that would make browsing moniets easier for you, don't hesitate to reach out! you can contact me via the guestbook or email me privately.